You’ve probably seen it everywhere if you’re trying to learn all about social media. “Content is King”. That used to be a one and done situation before everyone got online. In today’s crowded digital media landscape, creating great content is where you should start before posting online. However, great content alone may not be enough […]
Election Signage: Be Effective and Be Smart
As municipal election season arrives, signs are popping up everywhere, vying for attention. However, not all signs are created equal. Some are easily readable, while others overwhelm viewers with excessive information. In crowded sign clusters, it becomes even more challenging for messages to be digested. This tip applies not only to election signage but also […]
Are Your Facebook Posts Effective?
Why Engagement Matters on Facebook Engagement reflects the number of actions taken on your post, such as link clicks, post shares, reactions, and comments. It indicates that your content resonates with your audience and encourages them to interact. Here’s why engagement is so valuable: Tracking Engagement and Maximizing Results To measure and improve engagement, utilize […]
17 Years of Beers and Business
We strive to build lasting client relationships. Kiers cares about your stories and we love sharing them with the world. Our partnership with Picaroons began in 2003, crafting their memorable tagline, “Get Fresh with a Local.” From label designs to marketing collateral, our collaboration expanded. As their business flourished, they took design and marketing in-house, […]
Google Analytics for Data-Driven Decisions
Google Analytics and data in general are mandatory if you want to track and analyze your online traffic and gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing endeavours. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, harnessing the full potential of Google Analytics is a must—and the best part? It’s completely free. […]