Do you enjoy being constantly interrupted by marketing messages? Traditional marketing and advertising often rely on interrupting consumers, bombarding them with messages. However, in an era where we are overwhelmed with information, many individuals suffer from interruption overload and simply tune out. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if companies asked for your permission before marketing to […]
Strategies for Maximizing ROI Through Media Investments
Clients often ask us about the optimal allocation of their marketing budget to various media. For the purpose of this article, we use recommendations by Roy H. Williams, author of “Secret Formulas from The Wizard of Ads” as a starting point and our own experiences to flush out our strategies below. Unlocking the secrets to […]
Celebrate Your Company’s Anniversary in Style
Make a Splash: How to Celebrate Your Company’s Anniversary in a Memorable Way Whether it’s your first, tenth, fiftieth, or even centennial anniversary, celebrating a milestone in your organization’s history is an occasion worth commemorating. It’s a unique opportunity that won’t come around again, so it’s important to seize the moment and make it special. […]
6 Tips for Modern SEO
1. Choose the Right Keywords Avoid the common mistake of targeting high-volume keywords without considering their relevance to your niche. DO NOT use the same keywords over and over as Google views this as cheating and trying to game the system. Instead, use complimentary words. You can plan for free in your ad campaigns using […]