Have you ever handed over website text to an agency and they simply copy and paste without reviewing and offering suggestions? We’ve seen it a lot.
Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of connecting with a diverse group of professionals, including business owners, account managers, and CSRs. The topic of customer service often arises. We share stories—some eye-opening, others thought-provoking. They make our team wonder: Do you claim to provide exceptional customer service? Have you critically evaluated your business to determine if your service surpasses that of your competitors?
One business owner at the table enlightened us with a brilliant approach. They empower their front-line staff to make customer service decisions, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. Is it truly worth jeopardizing a customer relationship over a mere $5.00? We don’t think so.
At Kiers Marketing, we prioritize treating our clients exceptionally well. In fact, on many occasions, one of our company owners personally delivers the final product to the customer. Every step of the way, we prioritize the best interests of our clients. When you consistently go above and beyond for your customers, price becomes less of a determining factor and loyalty ensues.
Don’t let company policies hinder customer satisfaction. While guidelines are necessary for effective business practices, it’s vital to evaluate policies that result in lost business. Customer service should be paramount and regularly assessed as things change.
Many companies claim to provide great service, but the truth is, most fall short. Take a hard look at your business—are your customers receiving the utmost service you can offer? Additionally, examine your company policies—are they genuinely benefiting your customers or solely serving your interests?
Make customer service and satisfaction your top priority. Strengthen your marketing efforts by fostering a reputation for exceptional customer care. Contact us today to discuss how we can elevate your customer service strategy and enhance your overall marketing approach.